EIB specification

Below, an overview is given of the standard EIB specification expected by TechWolf. Some important notes to give on this are the following:

  • All files are presumed to be full dumps, i.e. the state of all relevant entities is expected to be given in each export file, not just the changes compared to the last export.
  • Not all files are necessarily required, though existing dependencies must be respected. For example, if the basic information of employees (i.e. their existence) is already synced, it is optional whether to include e.g. employee goals as well; yet when employee goals are to be synced, the employee baseline sync must be included as well. An overview of the dependencies is given in the Dependencies section.
  • All expected fields can be provided under another name, or split among different fields, as long as this division or rename is then used consistently (and is communicated to TechWolf). This applies to both the fields marked as “required” as those that are marked as “optional”. When multiple input fields are taken together to form one expected (or additional) field, the resulting field will consist of the values of the constituent fields, separated by a hyphen surrounded by spaces (” - ”). Additionally, some field conversions are also supported; in particular, dates can be converted to the required format, and arbitrary string-to-string mappings can be configured, which can be particularly useful in combination with field filtering (mentioned below). Possible limitations specified on fields always apply after transformation.
  • Fields that are marked as “required” are generally expected to always be present (after transformation). However, there is also support for “default values”, though this only applies to certain fields (marked with *). Setting defaults should be avoided, since it makes data less informative, and should only be used in cases where it is unavoidable and doesn’t cause unnecessary obfuscation or decreased informativeness. One use case could be to set all certificate descriptions to be ”-” by default if no actual certificate descriptions are available, but the certificate titles are still informative enough to warrant syncing certificates.
  • The integrations support field filters: per input file, one field can be chosen to act as a filter (besides possibly also carrying information to be synced), where the input object (xml objects, csv row, …) is only processed if the value of the filter field is either contained in the given whitelist of values or not included in the given banlist of values. Note that filtering is completely optional and that filtering is applied after input transformation. Do note that TechWolf always prefers filtering at the EIB where possible, to prevent unnecessary data transfer and processing.


Slug strings are strings consisting of only lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, underscores (_) and dashes (-).

When non-slug strings are slugified at TechWolf’s side, we use a mapping as defined in slugify, except for the following mappings:

  • ”/” becomes “_SLASH_”
  • ”(” becomes “_OPENR_”
  • ”)” becomes “_CLOSER_”
  • ”[” becomes “_OPENS_”
  • ”]” becomes “_CLOSES_”
  • ”{” becomes “_OPENC_”
  • ”}” becomes “_CLOSEC_“

Job Families

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
job_family_idThe id of the job family in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified.
job_family_nameThe name of the job family.YESMust be at least 1 and at most 255 characters long after being trimmed.
job_family_inactiveWhether the job family is active (“0”, default) or inactive (“1”).NOThe job family is treated as inactive if and only if the value of this field is “1”.
job_family_group_nameThe name of the job family group.NOMust be at least 1 and at most 255 characters long after being trimmed, or absent altogether.

Job families can also be extended with an arbitary amount of “profile data”, which will be used for skill extraction. There is one type of job family profile data available: job_family_description. For every profile data variant, we need the following information:

  • The name of the source field(s) in the input (and their ordering, in case of concatenation)
  • The profile data type (job_family_description)
  • Whether the profile data should always be present (true or false)

Job families can also be extended with an arbitrary amount of “custom properties”, which will NOT be used for skill extraction, but might be useful for querying or other identification, grouping or disambiguation scenarios. For every custom property, we need the following information:

  • The name of the source field(s) in the input (and their ordering, in case of concatenation)
  • The name of the custom property (at least 1 and at most 100 characters; cannot contain ”__”)
  • The data type of the custom property (“text”, “number”, “boolean”, “list[text]” or “datetime”)
  • Whether the custom property should always be present (true or false)

Jobs (Job Profiles)

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
job_idThe id of the job in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified.
job_nameThe name of the job.YESMust be at least 1 and at most 255 characters long after being trimmed.
job_inactiveWhether the job is active (“0”, default) or inactive (“1”).NOThe job is treated as inactive if and only if the value of this field is “1”.
job_family_idThe id of the job’s job family.NOWill be slugified if present; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified, or absent altogether. If a job family id is given, a job family with that id MUST exist.

Jobs can also be extended with an arbitary amount of “profile data”, which will be used for skill extraction. There are four types of job family profile data available: job_description, job_title, vacancy, skill_notes. For every profile data variant, we need the following information:

  • The name of the source field(s) in the input (and their ordering, in case of concatenation)
  • The profile data type (job_description, job_title, vacancy or skill_notes)
  • Whether the profile data should always be present (true or false)

Jobs can also be extended with an arbitrary amount of “custom properties”, which will NOT be used for skill extraction, but might be useful for querying or other identification, grouping or disambiguation scenarios. For every custom property, we need the following information:

  • The name of the source field(s) in the input (and their ordering, in case of concatenation)
  • The name of the custom property (at least 1 and at most 100 characters; cannot contain ”__”)
  • The data type of the custom property (“text”, “number”, “boolean”, “list[text]” or “datetime”)
  • Whether the custom property should always be present (true or false)

Vacancies (Job Requisitions)

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
requisition_idThe id of the vacancy in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified.
job_idThe id of the job related to the vacancy in TechWolf.NOWill be slugified if present; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified, or absent altogether. If a job id is given, a job with that id MUST exist.
job_titleThe job title of the vacancy.YESMust be at least 1 and at most 255 characters long after being trimmed.
job_descriptionThe job description of the vacancy.YES*Must be non-empty after being trimmed.
job_requisition_inactiveWhether the vacancy is active (“0”, default) or inactive (“1”).NOThe vacancy is treated as inactive if and only if the value of this field is “1”.

Vacancies can also be extended with an arbitrary amount of “custom properties”, which will NOT be used for skill extraction, but might be useful for querying or other identification, grouping or disambiguation scenarios. For every custom property, we need the following information:

  • The name of the source field(s) in the input (and their ordering, in case of concatenation)
  • The name of the custom property (at least 1 and at most 100 characters; cannot contain ”__”)
  • The data type of the custom property (“text”, “number”, “boolean”, “list[text]” or “datetime”)
  • Whether the custom property should always be present (true or false)

Employees (Workers)

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified.
assigned_position_idThe id of the employee’s current job in TechWolf.NOWill be slugified if present; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified, or absent altogether.

Employees can also be extended with an arbitrary amount of “custom properties”, which will NOT be used for skill extraction, but might be useful for querying or other identification, grouping or disambiguation scenarios. For every custom property, we need the following information:

  • The name of the source field(s) in the input (and their ordering, in case of concatenation)
  • The name of the custom property (at least 1 and at most 100 characters; cannot contain ”__”)
  • The data type of the custom property (“text”, “number”, “boolean”, “list[text]” or “datetime”)
  • Whether the custom property should always be present (true or false)

Employee Certifications

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. An employee with this id MUST exist.
timestampThe timestamp at which the skills related to the certification become relevant for the employee.NODefaults to creation time of the related skill event within TechWolf.
certificate_titleThe title of the certificate.YES*Must be at least 1 and at most 255 characters long after being trimmed.
certificate_descriptionA textual description of the certificate.YES*Must be non-empty after being trimmed.

Employee Education History

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. An employee with this id MUST exist.
timestampThe timestamp at which the skills related to the education become relevant for the employee.NODefaults to the education end_date (if this exists), or else the education start_date (if this exists), or else the creation time of the related skill event within TechWolf.
degree_nameThe title or a short description of the degree.YESMust be non-empty after being trimmed.
schoolThe institution responsible for the education.NOMust be non-empty after being trimmed, or absent altogether.
start_dateThe start date of the education.NOMust be a valid date or datetime in IS08601 format after being trimmed (or converted into such during input transformation), or absent altogether.
end_dateThe end date of the education.NOMust be a valid date or datetime in IS08601 format after being trimmed (or converted into such during input transformation), or absent altogether.

Employee External Work History

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. An employee with this id MUST exist.
timestampThe timestamp at which the skills related to the work experience become relevant for the employee.NODefaults to the work experience end_date (if this exists), or else the work experience start_date (if this exists), or else the creation time of the related skill event within TechWolf.
job_titleA formal title that describes the job function.YESMust be at least 1 and at most 256 characters long after being trimmed.
job_descriptionA formal title that describes the job function.NOMust be non-empty after being trimmed, or absent altogether.
companyThe company offering the job.NOMust be at least 1 and at most 256 characters long after being trimmed, or absent altogether.
start_dateThe start date of the work experience.NOMust be a valid date or datetime in IS08601 format after being trimmed (or converted into such during input transformation), or absent altogether.
end_dateThe end date of the work experience.NOMust be a valid date or datetime in IS08601 format after being trimmed (or converted into such during input transformation), or absent altogether. Only relevant if the job is not still ongoing.

Employee Internal Work History

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. An employee with this id MUST exist.
timestampThe timestamp at which the skills related to the work experience become relevant for the employee.NODefaults to the work experience end_date (if this exists), or else the work experience start_date (if this exists), or else the creation time of the related skill event within TechWolf.
job_idA formal title that describes the job function.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. A job with this id MUST exist.
companyThe company offering the job.NOMust be at least 1 and at most 256 characters long after being trimmed, or absent altogether.
start_dateThe start date of the work experience.NOMust be a valid date or datetime in IS08601 format after being trimmed (or converted into such during input transformation), or absent altogether.
end_dateThe end date of the work experience.NOMust be a valid date or datetime in IS08601 format after being trimmed (or converted into such during input transformation), or absent altogether. Only relevant if the job is not still ongoing.

Employee Feedback

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. An employee with this id MUST exist.
timestampThe timestamp at which the skills related to the work experience become relevant for the employee.NODefaults to the creation time of the related skill event within TechWolf.
descriptionA textual description of the feedback.YESMust be non-empty after being trimmed.

Employee Goals

Field nameField descriptionRequired?Limitations
employee_idThe id of the employee in TechWolf.YESWill be slugified; must be at least 1 and at most 100 characters long after being trimmed and slugified. An employee with this id MUST exist.
timestampThe timestamp at which the skills related to the work experience become relevant for the employee.NODefaults to the creation time of the related skill event within TechWolf.
descriptionA textual description of the goal.YESMust be non-empty after being trimmed.