The skill set of an employee is not static. Over time, a person will work on many projects and topics, follow courses, and change positions. Past experiences become irrelevant compared to newer ones. The concept of Skill Events allows adding those.

Skill Events can be added via a POST call to the /employees/{employee_external_id}/skill_events endpoint. There are currently 8 event types supported, which all have different content in the request body. For example, take Employee 101 with the following history:

  • Graduated “Computer Science” in 2018
  • Worked as a “Software Developer” from 2018-2020 & afterwards started a job as “Product Owner”
  • Took a course on “Agile & Scrum” in 2021

Adding these events to the Employee can by calling /employees/101/skill_events?language=auto with the following bodies:

  "external_id": "degree-101-1",
  "event_type": "education_history",
  "timestamp": "2018-07-01",
  "source": "oracle",
  "content": {
    "degree_name": "Computer Science"
  "external_id": "working-history-101-1",
  "event_type": "working_history",
  "timestamp": "2020-05-02",
  "source": "oracle",
    "start_date": "2018-09-01",
    "end_date": "2020-05-02",
    "job_title": "Software Developer",
    "job_description": "Tools: Scala, Git, Docker"
  "external_id": "working-history-101-2",
  "event_type": "working_history",
  "timestamp": "2020-05-02",
  "source": "oracle",
  "content": {
    "start_date": "2020-05-02",
    "job_title": "Product Owner",
    "job_description": "-"
  "event_type": "learning",
  "timestamp": "2021-05-01",
  "source": "coursera",
  "content": {
    "learning_title": "Agile & Scrum",
    "learning_description": "In this course you learn the fundamentals of Agile:stand-ups, retrospectives, sprints, …"

When adding a Skill Event, it automatically contributes to the Skill Profile - which is why you should only send completed events. (i.e. when a certificate is obtained or a goal is accomplished). Requesting the Skill Cluster profile of this Employee can via a GET call to the /employees/101/skill_profile?response_format=skill_clusters endpoint. The response body will be as follows:

  "external_id": "a3903505-eb84-42dc-a79f-5e7b1fe897b7",
  "num_skill_events": 5,
  "skill_clusters": [{
    "skill_cluster_name": "Programming",
    "proficiency_level": 2
  }, {
    "skill_cluster_name": "Business Intelligence",
    "proficiency_level": 3