Exporting Skill Clusters profiles, e.g. on a daily basis, is possible via a POST call to the /export/employees/skill_clusters endpoint. This is implemented with keyset pagination: employees are returned in order of when they were created (old to new). The first page of the export (containing limit employees) is retrieved by not specifying the starting_after field. Next pages can be requested by setting the starting_after field to the last external_id from the previous page. When there is no more data after the requested page, has_next will be False. Via setting a filter on the last_updated attribute, you can export the employees who are updated since a specific timestamp. For example, if you want to get the Skill Cluster profiles of the employees changed since 2022/03/25, you can use the following body:

    "limit": 10,
    "filters": [
            "filter": "last_updated",
            "value": "2022-03-25",
            "operator": "gt"
    "include": [


  "has_next": true,
  "records": [..., {
    "external_id": "5cbdbdbe-5f44-4423-8157-520f8a2f429a",
    "skill_clusters": [{
      "skill_cluster_name": "Programming Languages",
      "domain_name": "Computer Science",
      "proficiency_level": 2,
      "current_skills": [{
        "name": "Python"
      }, {
        "name": "Java"
  }, ...]

Consecutive requests are similar, with starting_after set to the last external_id - until has_next in the response is False.

  "starting_after": "5cbdbdbe-5f44-4423-8157-520f8a2f429a",
  "limit": 10,
    "filters": [
            "filter": "last_updated",
            "value": "2022-03-25",
            "operator": "gt"
    "include": [