API Documentation
- Domains
- Subdomains
- Skill Clusters
- Skills
- Taxonomy operations
- Skill Profile
- Metrics
- Search
- Skill Events
- Interactions
- Suggestions
Job Families
- Skill Profile
- Job Family Profile Data
- Skill Profile
- Job Profile Data
- Metrics
- Skill Profile
- Metrics
- Search
- Skill Profile
- Metrics
Skill Clusters
- Skill Profile
- Metrics
External Companies
- Search
- Skill Search
- Skill Gaps
- Skill Lookup
Organisational Structure
- Organisational Units
Custom Properties
- Definitions
- Properties
- Vacancy Matching
- Course Recommendations
- External Company Matching
- Job Matching
- Job Family Matching
- Match Feedback
Matching Configuration
- Employees
- Job Architecture
- Courses
- Employees Assigned Position
- Taxonomy
- Organisational Structure
- General Reports
- Employee Reports
- Vacancy Reports
- Job Reports
- Data Maturity Scan
- Version
Get Job adoption metrics
Get adoption metrics across a collection of Job objects stored in the system, aggregated over their Skills and your Taxonomy.
curl --request POST \
--url https://{tenant_name}.{region}.techwolf.ai/job_architecture/jobs/metrics/adoption_metrics \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"queries": [
"query_id": "query-id",
"filters": [
"filter": "attribute",
"attribute_name": "job_family",
"operator": "eq",
"attribute_value": "abc-123"
"results": [
"query_id": "query-123-abc",
"metrics": {
"domains": [
"domain_name": "IT",
"external_id": "abdcde-domain",
"skill_clusters": [
"external_id": "abdcde-cluster",
"skill_cluster_name": "Software Engineering",
"skills": [
"skill_id": "abcde-skill-1",
"skill_name": "Automated Testing",
"unique_job_count": 1
"sum_job_skill_count": 1,
"unique_skill_count": 1,
"unique_job_count": 1
"sum_job_skill_count": 1,
"unique_skill_count": 1,
"unique_job_count": 1
"skills_outside_taxonomy": {
"skills": [
"skill_id": "abcde-skill-2",
"skill_name": "Software Debugging",
"unique_job_count": 15
"sum_job_skill_count": 15,
"unique_skill_count": 1,
"unique_job_count": 15
"sum_job_skill_count": 16,
"unique_skill_count": 2,
"unique_job_count": 16,
"total_job_skill_count": 16
The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
List of adoption metric queries. Each query corresponds with adoption metrics aggregated across the requested collection of objects.
A unique ID linked to the adoption metric query.
Filters to be applied on the entities for which adoption metrics need to be aggregated. If left empty, the adoption metrics are aggregated across all entities stored in the system.
Filter on all entities for which attribute attribute_name
is equal to attribute_value
. Possible values for attribute_name
are stated below.
Name of the attribute on which the filter is applied.
, job_family_group
The type of operator to apply on the attribute attribute_name
Value of the attribute attribute_name
Response structure for Job Architecture Metrics. Metrics are expressed in the structure of your Taxonomy. When a Skill is not represented in the Taxonomy, it will be included in the "Skills outside of the Taxonomy" Domain.
A list of metrics related to the requested collection of Jobs.
The unique ID of the query.
Aggregated statistics for the requested collection of Jobs, broken down by Domains, Skill Clusters, and Skills.
A list of all Domains within the requested collection of Jobs.
The name of the Domain.
The external ID of the Domain.
A list of Skill Clusters within the Domain.
The external ID of the Skill Cluster.
The name of the Skill Cluster.
A list of Skills within the Skill Cluster.
Total number of times Jobs possess Skills within this Taxonomy level, counting each Skill even if a Job has more than one.
The total number of unique Skills of all Jobs within this Taxonomy level.
Number of distinct Jobs with at least one Skill in this Taxonomy level.
Total number of times Jobs possess Skills within this Taxonomy level, counting each Skill even if a Job has more than one.
The total number of unique Skills of all Jobs within this Taxonomy level.
Number of distinct Jobs with at least one Skill in this Taxonomy level.
A list of Skills not present in the Taxonomy.
A list of skills that are not present in the Taxonomy.
The name of the Skill.
The universal unique ID of the Skill, consisting of alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores. The Skill name connected to this id can be identified by either using the Skill Search endpoint or in any response body that contains that Skill.
1 - 100
Number of distinct Jobs possessing this Skill.
Total number of times Jobs possess Skills within this Taxonomy level, counting each Skill even if a Job has more than one.
The total number of unique Skills of all Jobs within this Taxonomy level.
Number of distinct Jobs with at least one Skill in this Taxonomy level.
Total number of times Jobs possess Skills within this Taxonomy level, counting each Skill even if a Job has more than one.
The total number of unique Skills of all Jobs within this Taxonomy level.
Number of distinct Jobs with at least one Skill in this Taxonomy level.
Total number of times Jobs possess Skills within this Taxonomy level, counting each Skill even if a Job has more than one. Skills that occur in multiple Skill Clusters are only counted once.
curl --request POST \
--url https://{tenant_name}.{region}.techwolf.ai/job_architecture/jobs/metrics/adoption_metrics \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"queries": [
"query_id": "query-id",
"filters": [
"filter": "attribute",
"attribute_name": "job_family",
"operator": "eq",
"attribute_value": "abc-123"
"results": [
"query_id": "query-123-abc",
"metrics": {
"domains": [
"domain_name": "IT",
"external_id": "abdcde-domain",
"skill_clusters": [
"external_id": "abdcde-cluster",
"skill_cluster_name": "Software Engineering",
"skills": [
"skill_id": "abcde-skill-1",
"skill_name": "Automated Testing",
"unique_job_count": 1
"sum_job_skill_count": 1,
"unique_skill_count": 1,
"unique_job_count": 1
"sum_job_skill_count": 1,
"unique_skill_count": 1,
"unique_job_count": 1
"skills_outside_taxonomy": {
"skills": [
"skill_id": "abcde-skill-2",
"skill_name": "Software Debugging",
"unique_job_count": 15
"sum_job_skill_count": 15,
"unique_skill_count": 1,
"unique_job_count": 15
"sum_job_skill_count": 16,
"unique_skill_count": 2,
"unique_job_count": 16,
"total_job_skill_count": 16