Get Course
Get the Course information stored inside the system.
The access token received from the authorization server in the OAuth 2.0 flow.
Path Parameters
The unique ID in your system, consisting of alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.
1 - 100
Query Parameters
Additional entity attributes that will be included in the response body. This query parameter can be added multiple times to include more attributes.
Default structure for Course data.
The unique ID in your system, consisting of alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores.
1 - 100
Title of the Course.
1 - 255
Textual description of the Course.
Timestamp of the last update to this entity.
Source system or location of this Course.
1 - 255
The Course will not be used in matching if active is false
. This is useful when a Course is being phased out.
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